Potential for Electrical Energy Savings in AC Systems by Utilizing Exhaust Heat from Outdoor Unit
Renewable energy, Air conditioner, Thermoelectric generator, Waste heat optimization, Energy efficiencyAbstract
This study explores the potential of utilizing waste heat from air conditioning systems, one of the largest consumers of electrical energy. Currently, most of the waste heat generated by outdoor units is typically released into the environment without being utilized, leading to missed energy-saving opportunities. This study analyzes the potential for improving electrical energy efficiency in air conditioning (AC) systems by harnessing this waste heat. Two primary approaches are evaluated: the first is the use of waste heat for domestic water heating, and the second is the conversion of heat into electrical energy using thermoelectric generators (TEG). The results of this research indicate that both methods have the potential to improve overall energy efficiency significantly. However, challenges related to conversion efficiency and integration of these technologies with AC systems require further, more specific studies. These findings are expected to contribute to more efficient and environmentally friendly cooling systems by optimizing technology and overcoming barriers to wider implementation.
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